🍖 Farm to Fork


Your Identity

In this proof of concept, your identity simply is your keypair.

Generating an identity

Enter a seed below and press the 'generate' button to generate your new identity.


Assets | Food-items

In this proof of concept, the assets in our transactions are food-items that are currently in circulation in the market.

Create a new food-item

Enter a description for the food-item you want to introduce to the market:


Your food-items

description transaction ID
{{asset.asset.data.item}} {{asset.id}}
No food-items.

Transaction chain

Each asset on the BigchainDB has a list of transactions that have been performed upon it.

Perform action on food-item: {{activeTransaction.asset.data.item}}

Enter an action to perform:



Transfer the asset to another business

This action is the equivalent of selling the product to another firm that will in turn process it for their purpose.

The receiver enters their password:



{{new Date(transaction.metadata.date).toLocaleString()}}

All assets | food-items

All data on a bigchaindb network (that you participate to) is visible to you, even the assets that never belonged to you. This is what provides the transparancy.

Description transaction ID
{{asset.data.item}} {{asset.id}}