In this proof of concept, your identity simply is your keypair.
Enter a seed below and press the 'generate' button to generate your new identity.
In this proof of concept, the assets in our transactions are food-items that are currently in circulation in the market.
Enter a description for the food-item you want to introduce to the market:
description | transaction ID |
{{}} | {{}} |
No food-items. |
Each asset on the BigchainDB has a list of transactions that have been performed upon it.
Enter an action to perform:
This action is the equivalent of selling the product to another firm that will in turn process it for their purpose.
The receiver enters their password:
{{new Date(}}
All data on a bigchaindb network (that you participate to) is visible to you, even the assets that never belonged to you. This is what provides the transparancy.
Description | transaction ID |
{{}} | {{}} |